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West Midlands Region Photo Gallery


Photos from the West Midlands region

Whooper Swan Osprey Stock Dove Redstart
Whooper x Mute Swan hybrid Red Kite Wood Pigeon Whinchat
Tundra Bean Goose Buzzard Alexandrine Parakeet Whinchat
Greenland White-fronted Goose Buzzard (pale) Rose-ringed Parakeet Whinchat
Greylag Goose Buzzard Cuckoo Stonechat
Canada Goose Sparrowhawk Cuckoo Stonechat
Egyptian Goose Kestrel Little Owl Wheatear
Shelduck Kestrel Kingfisher Greenland Wheatear
Ruddy Shelduck Hobby Kingfisher Greenland Wheatear
Wigeon Water Rail Great Spotted Woodpecker Yellow Wagtail
Gadwall Oystercatcher Green Woodpecker (adult) Grey Wagtail
Gadwall Oystercatcher (juv) Green Woodpecker (juv) Grey Wagtail
Teal Little Ringed Plover Jay White Wagtail
Teal Ringed Plover Carrion Crow Meadow Pipit
Teal Lapwing Marsh Tit Chaffinch
Pintail Knot Sand Martin Brambling
Pintail Bar-tailed Godwit Swallow Hawfinch
Shoveler Spotted Redshank Swallow (juvs) Hawfinch
Tufted Duck Redshank House Martin Hawfinch
Pochard Green Sandpiper Cetti's Warbler Greenfinch
Greater Scaup Common Sandpiper Chiffchaff Goldfinch
Aythya hybrid Common Sandpiper (juv) Chiffchaff Lesser Redpoll
Common Scoter Grey Phalarope Willow Warbler Siskin
Goldeneye Grey Phalarope Blackcap (male) Yellowhammer
Goldeneye (1W male) Black-headed Gull Blackcap (female) Corn Bunting
Red-breasted Merganser Little Gull Garden Warbler  
Goosander Mediterranean Gull (juv) Lesser Whitethroat  
Goosander Mediterranean Gull Whitethroat  
Goosander Mediterranean Gull Grasshopper Warbler  
Red-legged Partridge Mediterranean Gull Melodious Warbler  
Red-legged Partridge (adult & juv) Common Gull Sedge Warbler  
Grey Partridge Lesser Black-backed Gull Reed Warbler  
Great Northern Diver Herring Gull Nuthatch  
White Stork Yellow-legged Gull Treecreeper  
Cormorant Great Black-backed Gull Fieldfare  
Shag Black Tern (juv) Redwing  
Little Egret Sandwich Tern Spotted Flycatcher  
Little Egret Common Tern Spotted Flycatcher  
Little Egret (juvenile) Common Tern (flight) Robin  
Great White Egret Common Tern (juv)    
Grey Heron Arctic Tern    
Eurasian Spoonbill      
Little Grebe      
Little Grebe      
Great Crested Grebe      
Red-necked Grebe      

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Useful links for birds and wildlife in West Midlands region

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