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Yellow-legged Gull Photo Index

 Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis

5cy, January 16th 2012, Warwickshire


Progression of an individual Yellow-legged Gull from 2W (3cy) to Adult (5cy)

Yellow-legged Gull, 5cy, January 2012

Yellow-legged Gull, 5cy, January 2012

Yellow-legged Gull, Warks

Yellow-legged Gull, 5cy, January 2012

© A. R. Dean

Image 37 to 40.  5cy.  Mid-January 2012.

(Image 1 in the series is at 20/01/2010).

The first image in the series showed this Yellow-legged Gull in 2W plumage, in mid-January 2010. These final four images show the same individual two years later, now in adult plumage, in mid-January 2012. Note the dark grey hue of mantle, the red orbital ring and also the primary pattern, with extensive black in outer primaries, a well-defined black band on p5, and a single lozenge-shaped mirror, on p10 (with a small white mark on p9 on right wing only). On the right wing there is still a small blackish mark on the outer primary coverts while the legs, although evidently yellow, still retain a fleshy tinge, especially on the webs of the feet.

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