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Yellow-legged Gull Photo Index

 Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis

4cy, July 2011, Warwickshire


Progression of an individual Yellow-legged Gull from 2W (3cy) to Adult

Yellow-legged Gull, 4cy, July 2011

Yellow-legged Gull, 4cy, July 2011

© A. R. Dean

Images 25 &26.  3S (4cy), late July 2011.

(Image 1 in the series is at 20/01/2010).

Bill and legs now as adult. Now in its final 'pre-adult' moult, on completion of which full adult plumage will result (though a few dark marks on pc may be retained into or beyond 5cy). Inner two primaries have been replaced, p3 is part grown, p4 and p5 are in pin, while p6 to p10 and pc are old.

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